I mentioned the other day that The New York Times has archives of a helpful blog called The Choice. One post that caught my eye included a great checklist for rising seniors: http://thechoice.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/06/04/counselors-calendar-june-juniors-2/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0
I'll summarize the major points here, but take a look at the archives when you have the chance.
- Finalize your senior schedule and try to maintain the highest rigor possible including a foreign language
- Ask for teacher recommendations
- Do something this summer that will be worth adding to your college application
- Standardized testing review: Have you taken what you need? Do you need SAT II's or to try the ACT?
- Start those essays! The prompts for the Common App are available here: https://appsupport.commonapp.org/link/portal/33011/33013/Article/1694/2014-15-Common-Application-Essay-Prompts and the prompts for the University of Virginia are available here: http://uvaapplication.blogspot.com/2014/06/2014-2015-first-year-essay-questions.html
- Check on extra requirements for athletes and artists
- Visit college campuses
- Have family discussions about how you're going to pay for college tuition
- Read! I've seen this mentioned in a lot of brochures coming through our house the past few weeks. Summer reading will help you with testing, vocabulary, essays, interviews, general intelligence, and more, so grab a book!
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